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Posted by : gangbuntu07 5/25/2013

School graduating with the highest value of the pride many people. College graduate with straight A's wallowing, cum laude, was the hope of many people, especially older people who usually feel more proud than the children who are graduating.
Schools can, get away to college, so it should strive hard in order to get high marks because that measure academic success. Those who graduate with high grades have high academic skills as well. And it's a good stock for the next academic levels, from elementary, junior high, high school, S1, to S2 and then to S3.
Academic skills is also a good stock as well as pass, to look for work. However, the IP (achievement index) is higher will attract more attention.
However, when entering the world of work, we all know, academic prowess is not the only provision to face the working world. It is precisely the non-academic skills that determine the future more, especially in fields that require skills that are not taught in the academic world.
So, when I gave briefing to prospective graduates D3 and S1 Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Monday, May 20, 2013, in front of 1,600 students who will graduate early, I said:
"The graduation tomorrow, and will soon face the next challenge in the world of work, there are no less important provision of IP, namely the non-academic skills. We can not change our IP. It has been printed. It results we lectures. That his IP 4 or close to 4, congratulations! That its IP stuck in the lowest number for graduation, congratulations, too, can pass my thanks. Now forget all that. On the front there are the challenges of life, work challenges, which require a combination of academic skills and non-academic. In fact, often, non-academic skills more decisive. This is a non-academic skills that must be honed. "
Many non-academic skills that determine our success in the face of life and the world of work. But I only convey four things.
First: Whatever we do with pleasure when school / college, but not associated with college grades. It could be that our hobby.
I for example, in high school and college, hobbies reading popular science books and magazines, as well as love to write. I also like drawing. All of that has nothing to do with my studies in Nuclear Engineering UGM. But the hobby can help me pay for college. Each finished college, if I find the topic interesting to the public, I write a popular science article, and I sent it to the newspapers, especially the Insight newspaper and the Independent Voice in Semarang. Honornya tolerable, because I could write every week.
And, importantly, honed writing skills!
The writing skills make it easier to write my thesis and graduated while looking for a job that does not create a standard cover letter cover letter. I enclose some clippings even writing it in the cover letter. This is what makes me always called for a job interview, although in 1990 there was no private companies seeking graduates Nuclear Engineering.
Writing skills that are then opened me to start working in journalism for five years, starting from the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia, Prospect magazine and last SWA magazine. Even when later became an executive at Detik.com and went into business, become an entrepreneur in the digital field, writing skills still play a major role.
So, do not underestimate any hobbies that we field at school and college. That provision of non-academic skills necessary to face life after college academically.
Second: Fighting Skills.
Fight eh? Yes, fight. Fight. Can fight an idea or physical.
They commonly fights when organizing ideas in school, usually able to convey his ideas well, and had mentally to win. Many organizations that could be honed this event, could be via OSIS, nature groups, or groups of science during middle school / high school can be via a variety of organizations that thrives on campus or even off campus.
Can also via sport. Competitions in various kinds of sport that teaches a winning mentality. I happen to be from high school to college took up karate and had several times a champion in a match between the Central Java-Yogyakarta campus, so know that no matter how good our ability karate techniques, if ngeper face opponents, yeah we're gonna lose. Even if we believe in ourselves, opponents technical kempuan better can we conquered.
Fighting prowess that makes us have a mental win.
Three: Skills to Survive
Some of my school and college friends are the kids most people can not afford, that sometimes late paying tuition or can not afford to buy books, but they stay in school / college with high spirits. And they can pass with good grades. When the work was good and his career accomplishments stand out.
Even to survive and could stay in college, they make money in various ways, including selling newspapers or green bean porridge on campus, some creative selling shirt screen printing.
I am including a trained early on because once she graduated high school and was accepted in Nuclear Engineering UGM, directly ask parents permission to live independently, no need to send money monthly to pay for boarding and living away from parents. This experience taught me to live in the worst conditions - no money at all but had to survive - and the spirit of independence.
Thankfully I had parents who taught independently, even since junior high school, with parents helping business. Every Friday, along with other officials, from what I can honor my clothes iron, how many clothes I pasangi buttons, and so on from parents sewing shop. That money is called pocket money. Results of his own sweat.
They are capable to face early life, unconsciously build endurance as well as the higher life. Some friends are like this, after graduating from college, many who become entrepreneurs, although some started as an employee.
I love being able to know some of the graduating students of UGM was channeling his hobby since college, including making online games, and aspire to be entrepreneurs so pass (when in fact they have become entrepreneurs in college).
Fourth: Attitude or attitude to life.
How were the lives we encounter something (people, events, ideas, and even yourself) that menantukan our path forward. Attitude, not aptitude, will determine our position high.
They are usually positive life easier, including more likely to cooperate with others, more easily manage subordinates, superiors easier to work with.
A positive attitude is not just to other people, events or ideas, but even to himself. Sometimes, there just are not confident, it feels less self-conscious about it that led. Feel less to then improve it's natural, but if it means the inferior leads his life has not been a positive attitude.
Four of the above, if trained from childhood, will be a good friend of academic skills into post-college era face non-academic world.
However, those who have had, these skills can also be trained on the job.
For me, all four of the above can be capital to enter the world of entrepreneurship. So I hope, more and more graduates from college GMU already have a stock of these, so that future employers. Especially now, in the era of the Internet, the opportunity to become entrepreneurs, especially those based IT / Internet, wide open.

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