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Posted by : gangbuntu07 5/31/2013

Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad SAW - Often in our society, in defining the Isra and Mi'raj, the Ascension they combine into one same event. When in fact the Isra and Mi'raj are two different events. And to straighten it, on this occasion I intend to discuss thoroughly understanding Isra and Mi'raj, the history of Isra Mi'raj Prophet Mohammad SAW as well as the wisdom of the journey of Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet Mohammad SAW.

Understanding / definition of Isra and Mi'raj

Isra Mi'raj are the two parts of the journey undertaken by Muhammad in one night alone. This incident is one of the important event for Muslims, because on this occasion the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa Sallam had orders for prayers five times a day.

Ascension occurs at the end of the prophetic period in Makkah before the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam emigrated to Madinah. According to al-Mawdudi and the majority of scholars, Isra Mi'raj occurred in the first year before the Hijrah, ie between the years 620-621 AD According to al-Allamah al-Manshurfuri, Isra Mi'raj occurred on the evening of 27 Rajab 10th year of prophethood, and this is popular.

Nevertheless, Shaykh al-Mubarakfuri Shafiyurrahman refute this argument on the grounds that Khadijah radi anha died in the month of Ramadan 10th year of prophethood, ie 2 months after the month of Rajab. And at that time there is no obligation salat five times. Al-Mubarakfuri mention 6 opinions about future events Ascension. But no one is certain. Thus, it is not known exactly when the date of the Ascension.

Ascension of the events are divided into 2 different events. In Isra, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam "dispatched" by God from the Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa. Then the Prophet Muhammad's Ascension into heaven is raised up to Sidratul Muntaha which is the highest place. Here he received a direct order from Allah SWT for prayers five times a day.

For Muslims, the incident was a valuable event, because when this is required to pray five times a day, and no other Prophet got up to Sidratul Muntaha trip like this. Even so, this event is also said to contain a variety of things that make Rasullullah SAW sad.

History / Travel Story Isra Mi'raj Prophet Mohammad SAW

The journey begins with the Prophet rode buraq Gabriel. Gabriel said, "come down and do the prayer".
Rasulullahpun down. Gabriel said, "where are you now?"
"Do not know", says the Apostle.
"You are in Madinah, that's where you are going to emigrate," said Gabriel.
The journey continues to Syajar Moses (Masyan) termination point when Moses fled from Egypt, then returned to Tunisia where Prophet Moses received the revelation, then to Baitullhmi (Bethlehem) the birthplace of Prophet Isa AS, and forwarded to the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem as the center of prophet- previous prophets.

Prophet and Jibril reduce vehicle tether. Upon entering the mosque apostles actually been waiting for the prophets and apostles. The Messenger asked: "Who are they?"
"Your brother Prophets and Apostles".
Then Gabriel led the Apostle to pilot a large stone, Apostle suddenly saw a very beautiful staircase, the base ends in Maqdis and touch the sky. Then the Prophet with Gabriel climbed the ladder to the sky and to Sidratul seven Muntaha.

"And indeed the prophet Muhammad has melihatJibril it (the original apparently) at other times, ie in Sidratul Muntaha. Nearby there was paradise residence, (Muhammad saw Gabriel) when Sidratull Muntaha overwhelmed by something that enveloped him. Eyesight (Muhammad) did not turn dariyang tidakpula seen it and beyond it. Indeed he has seen signs sebahagian (power) that God is greatest. "(Surat an-Najm: 13-18).

Furthermore draw Prophet proceeded unaccompanied reading the Prophet Gabriel means: "All respect is milikAllah, all grace and goodness".
Allah says which means: "Safety for you, O prophet, mercy and blessings".
Apostle reading again, which means: "Safety for us and hopefully the slaves of Allah who are pious. Prophet and his people to take orders prayers ".
Allah says: "O Muhammad I take you as a lover, as I have taken Ibrahim as a favorite of the word and I also give to you, as the LORD commanded Moses ummatmu as I also make the best race ever issued in humans, and I also make them as a people wasath (fair and option), so take what I have given you and be thou among those who are grateful. "

"Go back to your people, and speak to them from me".
Then the Apostles down to Sidratul Muntaha.
He said: "Allah has given honor to you with respect is never given to one of his creatures both angels and prophets sent nearby. And He has made up a position that none of the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth dwellers can achieve it. Blessed are you God with reverence given to you in the form of high standing and unequaled glory. Take the position to be grateful to him for God's favors giver God loves those who are grateful. "
Then the apostle praised God for all of it.

Then Gabriel said: "Leave to heaven that I showed you what is yours in there so you are more ascetic in addition to existing zuhudmu, and to the one in heaven with Allah SWT. There is not a single place I let missed ". Apostle saw the buildings of pearl diamond and the like, the Apostle also see trees of gold. The apostle saw in heaven what eye has not seen, ear has not heard and has not crossed his heart everything is empty and provided only the owner of the beloved of God who can see it. All that makes the Apostle amazed to like this man should do good. Then the Apostle of hell shown that the apostle could see the shackles and the chains further Prophet down to earth and back to the Grand Mosque before dawn.

Mandate mandapat Prayer 5 times

It seems more reasonable to question, rather than how Isra 'Mi'raj, but why Isra' Mi'raj happened? Answer this question as we see in verse 78 of al-lsra letter ', Ascension was to receive the mandate to conduct prayers five times. So, prayer is at the core of the Isra'Mi'raj events.

Salah is a means to achieve spiritual piety individual relationship with God. Prayer is also a means to be an egalitarian society balance, civilized, and peaceful. So it's normal if Alexis Carrel states: "If devotion, prayers and sincere prayer to the Almighty creator removed from the center of social life, it means that we have signed a contract for the destruction of the society". Keep in mind that A. Carrel is not a person who has a background of religious education, but he is a doctor and Humanities expert who has twice received the Nobel Prize for his research and pencangkokannya heart sparrow. Carrel without any opinion, Al - Qur'an 15 centuries ago had declared that prayer is done with khusu 'will be able to prevent the shameful and unjust deeds, so as to create a harmonious society, egalitarian, and ethical.

Lessons Ascension of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Command and prayers on the way Isra Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad, then a worship obligatory for every Muslim and has a distinctive feature compared to other obligatory acts of worship. So that, in the context of the pious and spiritual-rational-scientific perspective, Isra 'Mi'raj is a study that never dry of inspiration and a lesson for the religious life (Islam).

Relying on this reason, Imam Al-Qushayri who was born in 376 AH, through the original book entitled 'Kitab al-Mi'raj', the attempt to provide a fairly comprehensive map about the story and the wisdom of the great journey of Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad, along with his study. By using primary sources, such as the verses of Al-Quran and Hadith-Sahih hadith, Imam al-Qushayri quite clearly said that the Prophet experienced phenomenal event with coherently.

In addition, the book also tries to invite readers to listen with so detailed and in-depth story of the sacred Prophet Muhammad, as well as the secret behind this extraordinary event, including the ascension why at night? Why should pierce the sky? Whether God was on? Mukjizatkah ascension was that she could not experienced by others? Or is it a kind of spiritual tourist Prophet who deserve our respect?

What about the Prophet's ascension to another and the trustees? What about our ascension as a Muslim? And what a lesson for our lives? All explicitly discussed in this book.

In a sense, Isra 'Mi'raj is a sacred journey, and not just a trip "tourist" for the ordinary Apostle. So this event will be a historic journey to be the turning point of the Prophet preaching resurrection. John Renerd in the book "In the Footsteps of Muhammad: Understanding the Islamic Experience," was once quoted as Azyumardi Azra, said that the Ascension is one of the three most important journey in the life history of the Prophet Muhammad, in addition to travel and move Haji Wada. Isra Mi'raj, he says, is really a heroic journey in taking the spiritual perfection of the world.

If traveling migrated from Mecca to Medina in 662 AD to the beginning of the history of the Muslims, or the Farewell Hajj journey that marks the mastery of the Muslims over the holy city of Mecca, the Ascension of the Prophet became highlight of the trip of a servant (al-abd) towards the creator ( al-Khalik). Ascension is a journey toward spiritual perfection (insan kamil). So, this trip according to the Sufis, is leaving the Earth's low drive towards the high sky.

This is a very coveted trip every followers of Sufism. Meanwhile, according to Dr Jalaluddin Rahmat, one of the crucial moments of the Ascension event when Prophet Muhammad "encounter" with God. When it is, with respect Apostle said, "Attahiyatul mubaarakaatush shalawatuth thayyibatulillah"; "All honor, glory, and greatness belongs only to God alone". Allah also says, "Assalamu'alaika ayyuhan nabiyu warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh".

Heard this conversation, the angels proclaimed simultaneously two sentences creed. Thus, from this historic phrase reading this then enshrined as part of the reading prayers.

Moreover, Seyyed Hossein Nasr in the book 'Muhammad Beloved of God' (1993) revealed that experienced spiritual experience when Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad reflecting the spiritual essence of prayer is on the run day-to-day Muslims. In the sense that prayer is the ascension of his faithful people. So if we pull the red thread, there are a few sequences in the course of the Prophet Muhammad.

First, the existence of suffering in the struggle to be addressed with patience. Second, the patience of God in the form of replies fruitful trip command Ascension and prayers. And third, the weapon of prayer to the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims to rise up and seize victory. All three of the above have been summarized so beautifully in one Quranic verse, which reads "Make patience and prayers as helpers. And indeed such a dire, except for people who fervently. (Namely) those who believe, that they will meet their Lord, and that they will return to Him. "

Referring to the various aspects of the above, the book is at least as thick as 178 pages very interesting, because in addition to providing a fairly complete frame of Isra 'ascension Prophet, but also includes several other Prophets Ascension and some guardians. Then the other advantages described in this book is also the story of Abu Yazid al-Mikrajnya Bisthami. Ascension to the renowned scholar is a reference to the condition, position, and his spiritual journey towards God.

He describes the road signs towards God, honesty and sincerity of intention spiritual journey, as well as the necessity to break away from everything except Allah. So, come to one conclusion, that if the trip moved to the beginning of the history of the Muslims, or the Farewell Hajj journey that marks the mastery of the Muslims over the holy city of Mecca, the Ascension into "peak" trips of a servant toward spiritual perfection.

Looking at the photo above, perhaps many of us will soon choose the right picture as the Al-Aqsa Mosque. But believe me, the left photo is a mosque with a green dome of Al-Aqsa Mosque that is the truth.

Today, there has been a lot of misunderstanding among Muslims of Al-Aqsa mosque true. Many Muslims and non-Muslims who publish the Al-Aqsa Mosque is wrong, but that worried about this time, many Muslims put pictures Qubbatus Shakrah (Dome of the Rock / Dome of the Rock) at home or their office as the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This has been a common mistake in the Muslim world.

But the real tragedy is that most young people / children Muslim (Muslim as well as adults) around the world, can not distinguish between Al-Aqsa Mosque with Qubbatus Shakrah (Dome of the Rock).

Know the Al-Aqsa Mosque Complex

Al-Masjid El-Aqsa is an Arabic name which means the farthest mosque. 10 years after the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation, he did the night journey from Makkah to Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem) and then to the seventh heaven to take orders from God prayer 5 times, this event is called Isra Miraj.

Before descending order made Mecca as the center of Muslim prayer, for 16 and a half months after the Ascension, Jerusalem made Qibla direction.

When it was alive, the Prophet Muhammad commanded Muslims to visit Mecca not only but also the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is about 2,000 kilometers north of Mecca.

Al-Aqsa Mosque is the second oldest building after the Kaaba in Mecca, and the holy places and the third most important after Mecca and Medina.

Wide Al-Aqsa Mosque compound about 144,000 square feet, or one sixth of the entire area is surrounded by the old city walls of Jerusalem which stands today. Also known as Al-Haram El Sharif or by the so-called Jewish Temple of Solomon. Al-Aqsa mosque complex can accommodate approximately 400,000 worshipers (Al-Aqsa Mosque to accommodate about 5,000 worshipers pray at the complex rest areas open area).

The rebuilding of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound began 6 years after the Prophet passed by Umar Bin Khattab. He wants to build a mosque in southern Foundation Stone (Stone Foundation backs, facing south / Mecca). The construction is done by Ummayads Caliph Abd al Malik ibn Marwan and his son Al-Walid completed by 68 years after the Prophet's death to be named Masjid Al Aqsa.

Complex in the center of the Temple of Solomon, there is a Foundation Stone is the cornerstone of the Jewish people as a place believed Yahweh created the universe and the place of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. For Muslims this is the rock where the Prophet Muhammad set foot for the Ascension. To protect these stones, Caliph Abd al Malik ibn Marwan build a mosque dome and polygons, which became known as the Dome of the Rock (Dome of the rock).

Fallacy of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque Agenda Israel abolish

Aqsa Mosque was the first Qibla for Muslims before being transferred to the Kaaba with the commands of Allah. Now in the Jewish colonies in the region. In such circumstances, the Jews had allegedly taken the opportunity to confuse knowledge with distributing images Muslim Dome of the Rock as Masjid al-Aqsa.
Their goal is one: to undermine the Aqsa Mosque and the actual re-establish haikal Sulaiman. Currently, only the "Wall of the western" left over from building Solomon's temple or palace that still stands, and at the same time this place called the "Wailing Wall / Wailing Wall" by the Jews. If Muslims themselves are wrong and it is difficult to distinguish the real Aqsa Mosque, the easier it is their duty to carry out the plan, because when the Al-Aqsa mosque torn down, most people will not even notice.

The following translation is included letters written and sent by Dr. Chairman Marwan author to daily "Al-Dastour" about people and their relationship with the fallacy the Zionist plan.

There is some confusion between the Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. When called about the Aqsa Mosque in the local and international media, photos The Dome of the Rock was the one shown. The reason is to divert the general public that a strategy of Israel. This review is obtained when I lived in the USA, where I have learned that the Zionists in America have printed and circulated the photo and sell it to the Arabs and Muslims. Sometimes sold at low prices sometimes even given away for free so that Muslims can circulate everywhere. Either at home or the office.

This convinced me that Israel wants to eliminate the Al-Aqsa Mosque picture of Muslims memory so that they can destroy the temple and build them without any publicity. If there is a renegade or protest, then Israel will show photos of The Dome of The Rock which still stands intact, and stated that they did not do anything. Finesse really clever! I also feel very surprised when asked some people Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians even as they find themselves unable to distinguish between the two buildings. This really made me feel upset and sad because up to now Israel had been successful in their strategy.

Dr.. Marwan Saleh Saeed Abu Al-Rub Associate Professor,
Mathematics Zayed University Dubai

Thus, with the condition that worried about it, we as Muslims ought helped disseminate the correct information to our brother and the world. It is important to avoid distortion further information that will ultimately harm people if not addressed properly.


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